What is Root Cause Therapy
What causes addiction...
Why the traditional Disease Model of dealing with addiction is not right for everyone...
How to get to the root cause of your addiction...
What really is anxiety...
How your unconscious mind plays a large part in your conscious decisions...
What is the root cause of your anxiety...
Why is depression so common...
Why taking certain common medications may actually be exacerbating your feelings of depression...
What is the root cause of your depression...
You've tried numerous times to stop an unwanted behavior
So often we get stuck in patterns. Addictions are a manifestation of that. Sometimes we are not even aware of them, but we keep doing the same things over and over again and then wonder why we keep getting the same results.
You struggle when difficult situations arise
How we manage stressful events has a direct correlation with how we feel about ourselves. How we feel about ourselves is directly tied to the actions we take throughout our day. The actions we choose determine how fulfilled we are in life.
You think about changing things but don't follow through
So often we get stuck in patterns. Sometimes we are not even aware of them, but we keep doing the same things over and over and over again and then wonder why we keep getting the same results.
You are not in alignment with the person you want to be
Feeling like you're meant for more is actually very common but rarely talked about. Somehow it feels selfish to say "this isn't me, I want more". Working through the root causes that may be holding you back is key to finding your alignment.
Working together for your better life!
My name is Beth, and I am a Transformational Life Coach, guiding people through a wonderful journey of self-discovery. I am dedicated to helping people just like you overcome the obstacles and struggles that are holding you back from living your best life. I help people uncover the root causes of their unwanted behaviors, become aware of their limiting patterns, gain self-esteem and self-confidence, and literally transform their lives.
Root Cause Therapy focuses on finding and healing the cause of people’s current symptoms. It uses regression, breathwork, and somatic processing to allow the completion of unprocessed emotions and a reconnection to the true self through structured sessions. As the unhealed and suppressed emotions start to release, you will begin to feel more energetic, and the negative thoughts associated with your difficult emotions and limiting beliefs will start to heal.
Most people have many limiting beliefs that create negative experiences in their lives, and often just working on one belief is enough to unravel some of the other connecting ones. However, as these beliefs have built up over a lifetime, I recommend a package of 4 or 8 sessions as this will give you the best chance to make a significant change within your life. Each session runs approximately 90 minutes so plan accordingly.
Who am I and how I may be useful to you
My life
My husband and I have been married for over 20 years and have two beautiful daughters. We created a new marriage on the other side of his betrayal, individually first and then as a couple. Today we share a passion for each other, a passion for our family, and a passion for life.
I graduated from Wayne State University with a bachelor's degree in education and a master's degree in counseling. I am certified in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). I am a post-betrayal specialist through the PBT Institute and a trauma-informed practitioner of Root Cause Therapy from The Centre for Healing
My hobbies
Teaching is my passion and always has been. The topics change, the type of students I teach change, but at the end of the day, I believe I was born to reach people and teach. I also enjoy traveling and have lived in 4 countries. My family is always my priority though and is at the forefront of every decision I make.
We all run patterns in our lives, some of which are very destructive to ourselves and to the people we love. I enjoy guiding people through the journey of self-discovery, uncovering the origin of these patterns so they can start living their best lives.
People are becoming more and more disconnected today, leading to unprecedented levels of unhappiness and pain. I enjoy helping people connect to themselves first, and then to others, teaching them how to live with integrity and self-love.
Leading a fulfilling life seems impossible to many people. It seems out of reach, and only for others. I enjoy coaching people by using an outcomes-based approach, rather than a goal-based approach, to show them that life can be amazing with the right mindset.
Some Client Reviews
I took Beth’s 8-week “Freedom from Fear” course, and I write this as a changed person. I had been stuck in a deep, dark well for years following my divorce after 35 years of marriage. My three grown daughters and I were devastated by the annihilation of our family and struggled to understand. I spent way too much time focusing on my ex-husband’s problems and googling what childhood traumas could have led to his destructive decisions. Another year would pass by, and I remained frozen—too afraid to move forward or backward. I knew it was wrong, but I could not get out of it. Somehow, I stumbled upon Beth and from our first phone call, I knew she would be my guide to get me out of the darkness. And she was. Her kind, caring demeanor combined with her vast expertise on the subject, showed me the way to a new life. Each week, something she would say would resonate so deeply, I moved closer and closer toward the top of the well. My daughters have noticed I am a happier, more confident person. If you are in a similar situation, I highly recommend taking Beth’s course soon. Do not waste all the time that I did. Take it as soon as you can. The course is exactly as the title states. I truly cannot thank Beth enough for giving me my life back.
I came across Beth and watched her free 8 counseling videos. omg... I've watched it twice in 2 days. 1st on my own, then with my partner. We have gotten so much out of this. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and wisdom. I would really like to work with you more.
I would strongly recommend Beth as she went through the same trauma. She is easily accessible and is there to help.
Beth has been a life saver through the worst days of my life so far. She seems to know exactly I need at the moment and he practical suggestions have gotten me through.
Beth's wisdom and experience with betrayal trauma has been so helpful to me. I've felt lost and alone and her affirmation of my process as normal has been so healing. Then, she gives a real road map to reconciliation, at least in my betrayal experience. Not everyone will reconcile, but my goal is to work towards a whole family and Beth provides the steps in that journey that are meaningful.
Beth has helped me more in a couple weeks along with two seminars than all the therapy sessions, meetings and programs I've been involved in for the last year and a half. Beth knows all the ins and outs for a recovery for the unfaithful and the damaged spouse. Her knowledge and wisdom regarding affairs is unbelievable for both parties. I cannot say enough good about her. She is definitely 5 star.
Thank you Beth for your outstanding webinar. The time taken to put together 3 solid days, speaks highly of your dedication to educate the people that attend. You are prepared, you stay on point, you answer all the questions,you stay late well past your scheduled time of 60 minutes and you are real. I would recommend your webinar to anyone I know that is going through betrayal Or to anyone I know that is the betrayer. Thank you for your passion and commitment to excellence as a teacher and coach.
Beth Fischer has the most comprehensive, informative post betrayal program and information I have heard in my two year search for answers. Like Beth says this is simplistically/complicated but to hear what I need to heal and move forward, put in a way that I can apply it to my everyday life, makes me hopeful that one day sooner than later I will be whole again. For me Beth is a lifeline to a better state of mind and marriage.
Thank you so much for your utter dedication to helping us heal and to providing such depth and breadth of knowledge.... Wow!
Beth is an expert on Betrayal Trauma. Her depth of knowledge and the way she expresses herself makes people listen and makes people want to change for the best. She will walk with both people, the betrayed and betrayer, to get through to the other side of the pain for both parties.
Beth is amazing, she definitely knows what she is talking about. I've been stuck for 2 1/2 years after day one of the webinar I didn't feel alone anymore... actually quite the opposite,,I felt empowered...after day three I see there will be light at the end of the tunnel...My husband and I are looking forward in signing up for her program...I'm actually excited for the future...thank you Beth for your encouragement. God has a special place in heaven for you...Beth is honest and direct and that is what is needed in this kind of recovery...thank you so very much for everything Beth...God Bless to you and your family 💕
Email:[email protected]
Disclaimer: The information provided in all 1:1 sessions, online videos, masterclasses, and coaching programs are for educational and informational purposes only. Results mentioned or implied are not typical and may vary based on individual effort, commitment, and circumstances. True transformation and positive life changes can only be achieved through dedicated implementation of the strategies and techniques provided in any session and/or program. The success of your experience when working with Beth Fischer and all affiliates of Healing Families LLC is ultimately dependent on your willingness to actively participate and apply the guidance provided. Healing Families LLC and its representatives and affiliates are not responsible for any outcomes or consequences resulting from your participation in any sessions or programs.